Should HCG be Used while on TRT?
Running HCG concurrently with your TRT treatment can combat testosterone suppression keeping natural production firing at an acceptable level...Thinking of it as leaving the “pilot light” on.

Are you taking TRT but NOT using HCG therapy along side of it?🤨 Here’s why you may want to consider HCG as a compliment to TRT.
Exogenous (outside the body aka from an external source ) testosterone suppresses the body’s natural testosterone production. While test levels inside the body are normal because you are administering TRT the levels inside the testes are low because they are being suppressed by the exogenous source.
Running HCG concurrently with your TRT treatment can combat this suppression keeping natural production firing at an acceptable level as well as other functions such as sperm production. Thinking of it as leaving the “pilot light” on.
Questions about this? Contact us HERE, call us 844-824-9989 or just DM us on Instagram @HormoneHealthWPB
to start a conversation today. We look forward to helping you look, feel and live better!