TRT Myths Exposed
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08 Jan 2019
Testosterone therapy is illegal. FALSE
Testosterone therapy, if indicated is 100% legal. We’re talking about doctor-prescribed testosterone for male’s with clinical and serologic evidence of hypogonadism: the cluster of age-related changes typically occurring in males over the age of 35 inclusive of increasing abdominal adiposity, fatigue, waning libido, loss of muscle mass and “brain fog.” Thousands upon thousands of men (and women for that matter) are being deprived of its benefits on account of misperception.

Myth #1️: Testosterone therapy is illegal.
Testosterone therapy, if indicated is 100% legal. We’re talking about doctor-prescribed testosterone for male’s with clinical and serologic evidence of hypogonadism: the cluster of age-related changes typically occurring in males over the age of 35 inclusive of increasing abdominal adiposity, fatigue, waning libido, loss of muscle mass and “brain fog.” Thousands upon thousands of men (and women for that matter) are being deprived of its benefits on account of misperception.
Myth #2️: Testosterone therapy will massively increase sex drive.
There is an entire industry devoted to improving libido and erectile dysfunction with medications such as Cialis and Viagra.
Testosterone enhances libido through central mechanisms. Yes, your brain has billions of testosterone receptors, but by no means will TRT have you running around randy. Therapeutic dosages of testosterone will also improve the quality and strength of erections. Who doesn’t want to have their eighteen-year-old potency back again? Unto itself however, testosterone is not a sexual panacea despite what you may have heard.
Myth #3️: Testosterone therapy will magically rectify a poor lifestyle.
If you are obese, eat poorly and fail to consistently exercise (strength and endurance training), TRT will fail to live up to expectations from that standpoint. Remember, testosterone replacement is merely an adjunct for aging men or men with low T. An optimal hormone profile is just a piece of the health and longevity puzzle.
Male or female, one still must eat and train intelligently. Remember, health takes work.
Myth #4️: Testosterone therapy causes both heart attacks and prostate cancer.
More B.S. A few flawed studies have been the genesis of mass confusion among men. Despite overwhelming data that demonstrates a negative correlation between TRT and cardiac events, many doctors are hesitant to prescribe testosterone. The same goes for prostate cancer.
Yet no study has demonstrated a casual relationship between TRT and prostate cancer. Sure prostate cancer is a hormone-sensitive tumor, and yes TRT should be terminated in the presence of untreated prostate cancer, but it does not cause prostate cancer. Wouldn’t all adolescent men have prostate cancer if testosterone were oncogenic? Think about it.
However, all men on testosterone replacement therapy, and really all men over the age of 40, should undergo routine digital rectal examinations.
Myth #5️: Testosterone replacement therapy will cause baldness.
Alopecia or baldness is predominantly a function of genetic and hormonal factors. Environmental factors such as stress can also play a role however. In those prone to hair loss, those deemed “androgen sensitive,” TRT may accelerate hair loss.
This is due to the effect of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a testosterone metabolite.
And while certainly not a guarantee, 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors such as Propecia, Proscar and Avodart may impede hair loss by limiting the conversion of testosterone to DHT.
Still concerned? Ask your physician to check a serum DHT level to assure that it stays in check and to determine if you also need one of the above mentioned medications for hair loss.
Myth #6️:Testosterone therapy will cause me to become violent or “out of control.” Testosterone therapy is intended for men and women with low levels of testosterone or whose bodies are not producing testosterone. Your testosterone levels will be carefully assessed prior to treatment to determine if it is needed. If testosterone therapy is deemed a treatment option, your doctor will carefully monitor your hormone levels throughout treatment to ensure that balance is achieved and maintained. Careful monitoring and care from a medical doctor trained in hormone therapy ensures that your levels stay balanced, eliminating fears associated with excess testosterone, such as violent moods.
Interested in TRT? Click Contact Us, call 844-824-9989 📞 or just DM us on Instagram @HormoneHealthWPB
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