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Get Started

Steps to Get Started:

1. Fill out and submit your Medial History Form, so we have all of your information. (Must be at least 25 years old to receive treatment).

2. Already have current blood work results from within the last 6 months? If so, please email to, (in PDF format please, not screenshots). Or you may FAX to 561-557-9425.

Don’t have current blood work? Then you have two choices:

1. If you’d like to use your health insurance, on our website purchase the $115.99 Consultation and Hormone Panel With Insurance. We will email you a script for the bloodwork with instructions that you can use at any local draw lab of your
choice. This also includes the one time only $99 consultation fee. Once we receive your bloodwork results, then we will promptly contact you to schedule your consultation time.

2. Don’t want to use insurance or don’t have insurance? Then, on our website, purchase the $125 Basic Male Blood Panel Without Insurance. You will also need to purchase the $99 Consultation With A Professional with this option, but this is a one time only fee! Once you become an active patient, you will never need to pay this again. We will then email you a requisition to print and take with you to any local LabCorp for the blood draw. Once we receive your results, then we will promptly contact you to schedule your consultation.

Don’t need to work directly with a doctor and pay the one time only $99 fee? Then you can work with one of our experienced Patient Care Coordinators at no charge. They are all trained and supervised by our licensed physicians! You will just need to let us know this on your Medical History form.

If you have any questions, or would like to pay directly with a credit card, then please call the office to speak with one of our helpful Executive Assistants, and we can take your payment information and get you all set up to start your wellness journey! 844-824-9989