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Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Therapy

HGH has been widely researched as a safe, leading anti-aging therapy.

Most people over the age of 35 will produce less than the optimal levels. The amount of these therapies we will prescribe and the benefits you can expect will depend on your starting level of IGFI (produced by the pituitary gland). Those levels are determined by our board-certified physician through a simple blood test.

Once on therapy, the benefits you can expect are as follows:

  • Decreased fat mass, predominantly around the waist, without change in diet and exercise.

  • Improved bone density after one year of therapy, percentage increase depending on how deficient it was to start with.

  • Improved cardiac and lung function, lowered blood pressure.

  • Increased physical and mental energy level.

  • Increased hydration of the skin with reduced propensity to develop wrinkles.

  • Accelerated wound healing.

  • Increased immune system functioning, including re-growth of the thymus (the gland important in the function of T-CELLS).

  • Decreased total in LDL cholesterol levels, and increased HDL levels.

  • Improved Sleep.

  • Improved Vision.

  • Improved Mood

Personalized Treatment Plans

To determine if HGH Therapy is right for you, a thorough evaluation is essential. Our healthcare professionals conduct blood testing to assess your HGH levels and monitor hormone production. This enables us to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your individual needs and health goals.

Get Started with HGH Therapy

If you’re experiencing symptoms associated with low HGH levels, or are interested in enhancing your overall health and vitality, consider exploring HGH Therapy with us. Our dedicated team is here to help you restore balance and improve your quality of life.